Building maintenance includes cleaning common areas, regularly disposing of trash, and repairing broken items. May involve inspecting, repairing and maintaining electrical systems, heating and air conditioning systems, and other utilities.
building maintenance
refers to activities carried out to preserve and restore the functionality of residential and commercial properties. Includes tasks such as cleaning, landscaping, and electrical system maintenance.Its goal is to preserve a safe, functional and comfortable environment for tenants at all times.
Building maintenance
refers to all the tasks necessary to maintain a functional and livable building. A single building requires a trained team of several people with different maintenance specialties in areas such as electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. Maintenance consists of those activities necessary to keep installations and systems operating and in good working order.It consists of the preservation, but not the improvement, of buildings and land, other improvements of real estate and its components. British Standard 3811-1974 defines maintenance I. To preserve the working condition of machinery and construction services, structures, etc. To return them to their original standards.
A building is exposed to the elements and is used for all possible purposes. In addition, there would be several internal arrangements that would invite several agencies in decline to act. Decay causes damage and, again, damage causes further decay followed by damage again and ultimately reduces it to a useless, shabby structure. Preventive maintenance and routine maintenance of the structure is essential to keep it functional and protect it from early decay.
A building is made of different parts in different locations and is made of different materials. All of them are susceptible to natural decay due to aging. During design, member life is assumed with normal maintenance. For example, a wooden member is supposed to be painted at regular intervals.
With this assumption, wood is considered to lose 40% of its strength in 5 decades. However, if the wood is left unmaintained, that is,. Routine maintenance includes cleaning, maintenance, lubrication, greasing, plastering, wall painting, carpentry painting, etc. There are several work items that are included in routine maintenance and are expected to be serviced regularly for building maintenance, some of the items need to be serviced daily, others weekly, while others at regular intervals.
Routine maintenance is a post-construction activity that requires attention for the maintenance of the building to withstand its early deterioration, causing serious damage to it and preventing it from stopping operation. Floor and wall cleaning, etc. Not only with brushes, but also with a regular daily swab as needed, two or even three times in hospital cases. Lack of cleaning would allow dirt and dust to build up causing early decomposition.
Toilets should be cleaned with brushes and at least once a week with acid or other commercially available cleaning chemicals. The cleaning of sanitary facilities and premises must be followed by the application of washing powder or liquid detergent on hygienic soil. Door and window panes should be cleaned properly and at least once a week with the help of commercially available liquid cleaners. The top of the roof should be cleaned weekly, otherwise dust and debris would block the outlets and cause rainwater to build up on the roof, which would eventually make its way through the roof and cause serious structural damage.
Doors and windows can make an uncomfortable sound from the hinges, indicating that lubrication is required. Hinges should be greased once a week. Ventilation installations should be checked, cleaned and oiled once a week. Electric pumps and motors may be installed.
These should be checked weekly and their performance should be noted in the logbook. Tubular wells, if any, shall be checked periodically and their performance measured and noted in the logbook. Heavy electrical installations such as transformers, switches, etc. They need to be examined by a qualified engineer on a regular basis and checked on their performance.
In the case of an oil-based transformer, the oil level must be checked. Interior and exterior decorations should be properly cleaned at least once a week. Leaks can be observed in sewer pipes, sewage pipes, and stormwater pipes, especially in portions that run horizontally. This may be due to leaks through the gaskets.
The leaking part of the pipe must be closed and the damaged joint must be opened and cleaned. The joint will then be done again as before. Pipes, the joint must be by lead caulking and, in the case of asbestos pipes, the joint must be by cement Ii. The water supply lines should be checked and, in the event of a leak in the line, the portion should be removed and cleaned with dilute commercial acid and brush, and finally washed with clean water and reattached.
Cleaning water tanks, both on the floor and on the top, is essential for hygienic reasons. These should be cleaned periodically at intervals of no more than three months. Narrow cracks in the hair can be observed on the walls. These must be dug up and filled with cement mortar.
This would prevent further damage to the affected part. These filled cracks will be kept under observation. You can see the growth of small plants on the wall. These should be stopped when they are small, otherwise they would create cracks in the adjoining part of the wall and cause major problems in the future.
Plants should not only be removed, but must be uprooted and the site treated with copper sulfate solution or acid for permanent eradication. Plastering on both internal and external walls and on the ceiling may, in some places, show bulges or cracks. These areas should be thoroughly checked by tapping with a light wooden hammer. Portions emitting a dull sound indicate the separation of the plaster from the surface.
These portions should be regularly removed and re-plastered with mortar of the same proportion after raking the joints of the bricks and cleaning the surface. Painting the internal and external surfaces of the building is essential for several reasons: hygiene, protection of the structure and aesthetics. Surface rendering protects structure. But it is porous and absorbs moisture, which causes permanent damage to the walls and ultimately seriously affects the structure.
Exterior paint (cement-based paint or lime-based color wash) seals the pores of the plaster and protects the structure. It is desired to renew the paint of the internal wall annually and that of the external walls every four years. Painting of doors and windows and water supply and drainage lines shall be carried out periodically at intervals of no more than four years. Insulations, whether acoustic or thermal, if any, should be checked to prevent any leakage.
If observed, it should be repaired immediately. Electrical installations, internal wiring, switches, fans, water heater, etc. They should be checked to find out if there are any vanishing points that are common in older buildings. They should be cleaned at regular intervals.
Wiring should be replaced once every two decades to avoid any danger caused by a short circuit. Lighting fixtures should be cleaned once a month to maintain the maintenance factor (P) value, so that the lighting on the bodies does not fall. The protection of the plinth around the building must be properly maintained so that there is no passage for surface water to seep into the foundation, which threatens their settlement. There may be facilities such as elevators, escalators, service elevators for the vertical transport of people or goods.
After installation of these, service and maintenance contracts are signed with the companies that install them. Perform maintenance work at regular intervals. Preventive maintenance comprises activities that are essentially required to make the structure strong and solid and capable of withstanding decay or premature damage. Preventive maintenance of a structure means improving the quality of the construction and making it more durable and functional.
The investigation of the soil, the collection of information on the climatic conditions of the site, including the possible seismic hazard, and the adoption of measures by strengthening the structure accordingly against all possible future eventualities, are included in the preventive maintenance action. Unless this information is collected and these details are fed to the designer, the structure would remain vulnerable to future disasters. Even when the above information is gathered and the structures are well designed, they can be susceptible to early decay due to a lack of preventive measures during construction. Selection of the right material for the construction and use thereof in the appropriate manner according to specifications and in accordance with I, S.
Improving the workforce through the participation of trained workers. Cement concrete is one of the main elements that need the most preventive action to make it weather resistant, solid and durable. Limestone concrete, especially when used to provide a waterproofing course on the roof R, C, C, also needs preventive action. Steel members that are used in building construction and remain exposed to the elements are susceptible to early corrosion and need preventive measures to protect them from early decay.
Wood used in building construction in a variety of ways is susceptible to early decay and decay. This can be avoided by the correct selection of wood. The wood must be mature wood protected by seasoning, treatment and painting and therefore avoid early weather action. Corrective maintenance or repairs are the removal of any deteriorated or damaged part of the structure or the elimination of any defect in the structure.
For some reasons, the structure may show signs of damage or distress. Measures should be taken for repairs or restoration work without allowing the potential defect that causes further damage to the structure to increase. Building Engineering, Building, Maintenance, Building Maintenance Powered by WordPress. Building maintenance is essential because it ensures the safety and comfort of anyone who works, lives or visits the building.
Without regular maintenance services, a building can quickly turn into a hostile environment in which to live and work, making maintenance technicians invaluable. Instead of having to track down phone numbers and email addresses, anyone at the facility can quickly contact the maintenance department as soon as they see something wrong. Urgent repair or replacement of a main system will be more expensive than ongoing preventive maintenance. As a result, technicians will know exactly how to respond to emergency maintenance requests and restore operations to normal as soon as possible.
A single building can work with a specialized team of several people with different maintenance specialties, but the real challenge is maintaining several buildings or facilities. Although they are not the ones doing the work, the maintenance department is responsible for organizing and supervising the projects. It is also much easier to budget for planned and routine maintenance of building systems than an unpredictable need for repair or maintenance. The best solution is to sit down with senior staff and have them create checklists and instructions for critical maintenance processes, which can then be quickly added to work orders using templates.
Proper maintenance not only saves money over time, it contributes to the overall lifecycle of assets and preserve their monetary value. Maintenance departments often run the same risk with their senior staff, and that is that all the knowledge that the senior technician had so hard to gain exists only in their heads. Building maintenance includes a variety of tasks that help create a safe and comfortable working or living environment for tenants of a building. Facility maintenance is the people, processes and platforms you need to make the most of the physical assets and infrastructure of a commercial building for the longest possible period of time.
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