How to maintain a building?

Building or purchasing buildings, such as your home, costs money, but in addition to this initial cost, there are ongoing maintenance and repair costs. Maintenance and repair costs include many tasks that require time and money.

How to maintain a building?

Building or purchasing buildings, such as your home, costs money, but in addition to this initial cost, there are ongoing maintenance and repair costs. Maintenance and repair costs include many tasks that require time and money. For example, as shown in Figure 1, a house needs a new roof every 20 years; gutters should be cleaned every fall; parts of the air conditioner should be cleaned every few months; holes in the siding need to be repaired frequently; bathrooms should be renovated every 20 years; your sister's room needs be repainted when your favorite color changes; and much more. The number of tasks over the long life of your home, known as its lifecycle, really add up.

This is what makes the maintenance phase so expensive. However, we invest time and money in our homes because maintenance helps extend their life cycles.

Building maintenance includes

cleaning common areas, regularly disposing of trash, and repairing broken items. It may involve inspecting, repairing and maintaining electrical systems, heating and air conditioning systems, and other utilities.

Building maintenance refers to activities undertaken to preserve and restore the functionality of residential and commercial properties. It includes tasks such as cleaning, landscaping and maintaining the electrical system. Its goal is to preserve a safe, functional and comfortable environment for tenants at all times. He is currently the Air Force's senior professor of asset management studies, which includes how to maintain buildings.

Building owners maintain the resale value of their properties by keeping assets in good working order. From anything inside a building, such as cleaning bathrooms and maintaining electrical systems, to anything outside a building, such as lawn care and landscaping, routine maintenance services are performed to keep properties in top condition. There is more value in a well-maintained and updated building, which could mean more revenue potential from selling, renting or leasing space. He has experience building and maintaining Air Force bases in Hawaii, Colorado, Ohio, South Korea, Portugal, Uzbekistan, Qatar and Oman.

Buildings are built to operate consistently throughout their lifecycle and those who operate and maintain the facilities manage these buildings accordingly based on the use and purpose of the building, the needs of the occupants, and the requirements of the equipment. To reduce the chance of plumbing problems and maintain the value of your building, you should check plumbing, showers, toilets, and faucets for leaks. Homeowners are required to maintain their buildings in accordance with City Building Codes.

Donovan Wesson
Donovan Wesson

Certified social media lover. Hardcore web evangelist. Freelance music trailblazer. Award-winning zombie advocate. Award-winning coffee ninja.

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